Contact Us

Saint Timothy Lutheran Church Office
Volunteer staff coordinator: Jean Whitford

Monday thru Thursday 10am-2pm
503-761-8202 Email sainttimothypdx@gmail(dot)com    

Interim Pastor: Yukio Hamada

503-761-8202  Email Pastor Y    

Care Coordinator: Sherry Willmschen  
503-760-6819 Email sherrywil@comcast(dot)net

Staff Musician: Gary Shannon
Email: garyshanno@gmail(dot)com

Assembly: Oregon Synod ELCA


  1. Kylie Wicker

    My name is Kylie Wicker. I am the Associate Pastor at Portland Central Church of the Nazarene. Central is starting this year with a new strategy ( Part of this is an emphasis on prayer. Every Sunday we are focusing on a couple different neighborhoods and will spend
    sometime in prayer for them. I am wondering if you might have any prayer needs for your community that we can join with you in prayer for. If so, could you please let us know.
    We are also organizing prayer walks every week – would your church be interested in joining us for a prayer walk in your neighborhood?

    We will be starting at the Ross parking lot on SE Division street in the Centennial neighborhood tomorrow at noon. and will spend roughly an hour walking around, picking up trash, and praying for the neighborhood. We will be praying that God reaches out to those living in this community, that they may come to know Him, that He would send new workers into His harvest field, and that Portland can be impacted for His kingdom.

    If you would like to learn more about our desire for Portland, you can visit our website: where we have detailed out our desire to see Portland impacted for the Kingdom. You can also email me, or Pastor Matt at to learn more.

    We hope to see you on Thursday!

    Pastor Kylie Wicker

    • admin

      Thank you so much for reaching out with the invitation and caring for your neighbors! I hope you’ll reach out to us again next time, too.

      We’d like to invite you to join us for our Annual Easter Jubilee outreach party on Saturday April 16 1-3pm here at Saint Timothy Lutheran Church. We’ll post more about it here soon.

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