Saint Timothy
Saturday Jubilee! Easter Sunday!

You’re invited to
Easter Jubilee
Join us Saturday, March 30, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm for free indoor and outdoor family fun, games, crafts, goodies, face painting, clowning, easter egg hunts, an Easter Bunny visit, and so much more for children to age ten or so.
Morning Breakfast
Join us Sunday, April 1, 9:00 am to 9:45 am for a free continental breakfast of coffee, pastries, juice, baked goods, fruits, and a hot breakfast casserole for everyone. Lutheran Easter Sunday service follows at 10 am.
If you’d like to help,
EASTER JUBILEE needs candy for Easter eggs. Bring individually wrapped or boxed candy to church any Sunday.
EASTER CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST needs more baked goods. Contact the office to sign up or use the sheet is in the narthex on Sunday.
EASTER LILIES can be purchased and dedicated to remember a loved one for $10 a pot. Contact us with who you are, how many you wish, who they’re dedicated to, and a payment method. You may take your lilies Sunday.