
Join us for

Sunday Morning Worship Services

St. Timothy Lutheran Church 10 – 11 a.m.

Pastor Yukio Hamada leads a traditional liturgy Lutheran service with a heart for good worship and great preaching.  We enjoy hymns and praise music. ALL are welcome to commune at the Table of the Lord for Communion every Sunday. 

* Gathering * Word * Meal * Sending *

with choir practice at 9:20, and fellowship hour with coffee and snacks at 11:15 or so. Communion is available at the rail and with individual communion cups. If you have a communicable illness, you may participate in the service (as may anyone who wishes) online through Zoom.

All Saints Upendo Church 12:30 – 2:30

“Come worship with us” every Sunday 12-:30 – 2:30 in Swahili and English. More on Facebook

Ministerios Refugio De Vida Eterna Worship 11- 1:30

Worship Service every Sunday 11- 1:30 en Espanol con Pastores Geraro y Maria Montejo.

Community Services

Food Pantry (partnering with the Oregon Food Bank) is open 10-1 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and 11-1 on Tuesdays. Please stop by to donate or receive non-perishable food during office hours. Call 503-761-8202 to make an appointment outside of office hours.

Recovery Meetings meet on our campus. Please contact those leaders for confirmation of meetings dates and times and more information. Groups may meet while following the health and safety guidelines in the State of Oregon, Multnomah County, and the City of Portland.

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  1. Bre smith

    I’m a single mother with two kids working two jobs and homeless. My kids and I have came for food and now that we have our place and saw you on the news I just want to say please please please I beg you to please don’t stop serving the the meals that motivate people like me who wanted more in life. Thank you god bless.

    Blessings and Greetings, Bre.
    We’re happy to serve and will keep doing so, God willing!

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